Capital is the lifeblood of commerce. For capital to be truly transformative it must be combined with intellectual, digital, and human capital…and that’s what sets SloanCpaital apart.
The SlonCapital model combines deep sector knowledge, operational expertise, stakeholder alignment and permanent capital to create a unique proposition for founders, management, employees, and investors.
What We Do!

Unlocking value where others can't
We immerse ourselves in the sectors we know, applying our capital and operationally intensive approach, to identify opportunities that create long term value.
Through savvy management and intense focus, enabled by our technology and expertise, we take a fundamentally different view that engineers long-term value others can’t unlock.
Sloancapital is Supercharging
a Storied Sports Franchise
Unleashing the transformative power of technology
We don’t just provide data to our companies. We transform analog businesses to a digital first model in every vertical we enter. An unprecedented percentage of our total investment is in proprietary digital development and data science capabilities. That has produced an innovative, digital platform that delivers better results to all our companies.
Sloancapital Uses Revolutionary
Tech to Disrupt Aviation

A capital structure that creates a long-term view
Sloancapital is 100% owned and controlled by its employees. The capital we invest is our own capital, earned through the success and hard work of our employees. This success gives us freedom, aligns us with the management teams we invest in, and most importantly, allows 777 to think in decades, not years.
Sloancapital Takes a Long Term Approach
Our Unique Operating System
Our founders reflected on their own experience as entrepreneurs and identified the capabilities that so often define the success or failure of a young business. By offering services across Accounting, Finance, HR, Procurement, Marketing, Legal, Technology and Analytics, we free visionary leaders from these important operational issues to focus on what they’re best at which allows them to punch well above their weight.
But that’s only half of the story. We also provide cutting edge Digital, Data Science and Marketing methods that unlock trapped value and enables extraordinary growth.